By USA.Life
(PRESS RELEASE FOR DISTRIBUTION: San Jose, CA) Facebook is accused of misleading America during CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s Congressional testimony, according to Steven Andrew. He is the founder of the new [USA.Life social network,] which is the alternative to Facebook censoring Christians, conservatives and liberty.
Using Facebook’s data, Andrew shows 70 million people were censored from getting Andrew’s Christian and pro-President Trump posts since November 2016.
Zuckerberg told Congress, “We consider Facebook to be a platform for all ideas” on April 10th in reply to Sen. Ted Cruz. However, Andrew says, “Zuckerberg misled Congress.”
Andrew is a Silicon Valley technology and Christian leader, who has run Fortune 500 initiatives for Cisco, Better Homes and Gardens, Stanford and others. He believes like the founding fathers, which is why he thinks Facebook targeted him.
“Facebook blocks more than 98% of my reach. That means 4.9 million people per month don’t see my content. The increased censorship started after President Trump was elected,” Andrew said. Instead of communicating to 5 million people per month in 2016, Facebook showed Andrew’s posts to 97,685 people last month.
“Facebook’s censorship caused millions of fewer people to follow God and strengthen their families, a financial loss of donations likely in the millions of dollars and a reduction in communicating our mission with millions of more people by email and our website,” he said.
Even with almost a half million followers, Andrew now often reaches just hundreds of people in a post. This is an “unfair decrease” down from the 30,000 to 70,000 people reached per post before the censoring.
Andrew says USA.Life “is our new hope to save the Internet.” He invites people to get a free account at [www.USA.Life] to enjoy “American freedom, real news and privacy”.
He hopes grass roots activism, conservative news stations and churches quickly spread the news about USA.Life. “Our national security is at stake, due to liberals attacking Christianity, the Constitution and President Trump,” Andrew said.
USA.Life is crowdfunding [_____________] the completion and release of the new nationwide community. A summer launch is expected, provided they raise the remaining $693,000 required now. Supporters are given a special thank you reward, including an “American Hero” keepsake postcard, having their name in the computer code credits, T-shirts and a special life-time mention on the founders wall.
“Freedom and privacy could be lost forever without USA.Life. However, we can save the Internet if 70,000 people give $10, or if 7,000 people give $100. If people want freedom, we can do this,” Andrew said.