USA.Life Ambassador

We need your help to save America.

Can you volunteer 15 minutes or more per day to get the word out about USA.Life?

1. Daily Share Links to USA.Life

Find Conservative, Patriotic and Christian websites, articles, groups and communities. Then write a comment on the topic being discussed and invite people to join USA.Life. For example:

Great article about patriotism. Patriotic Americans should switch to USA.Life social network.

Facebook let America down. Use USA.Life social network to save freedom.

Where to Share

  • Comment on news stories and articles
  • Write Articles and News Stories
  • Emails
  • Newsletters
  • Church Bulletins
  • GOP Groups

2. Invite Friends and Groups with Your Affiliate Link

Ask your Friends, Groups, Businesses and Church to Friend you with your Affiliate Link.

A growth tip is to share your USA.Life auto-Friend link, so people auto-like, auto-friend or auto-join you when they sign up with your link. This helps you build your following fast too!

  • Where is my affiliate link?
    1) Select your picture on the top right, 2) Select General Settings, 3) Select Earnings; 4) Select My Affiliates, and 5) Copy and email this link to your friends, or post on websites, Facebook, Twitter…
  • You can use your affiliate link in step 1 for websites, articles and emails as appropriate.

Thanks for being a USA.Life Ambassador. You are making a difference!

P.S. Send us a note that you are a USA.Life Ambassador volunteer.